Wednesday 3 April 2013

Vignette Effect on Photoshop

In this post i'm going to share how to create Vignette photo effect in Photoshop less then 2 minutes. These effects are occurred by often an unintended and undesired effect caused by camera settings or lens limitations. Later they are used in Morden digital word for design and photography to do creative effects.
"In photography, vignetting is a reduction of an image's brightness or saturation at the periphery compared to the image center. The word vignette, from the same root as vine, originally referred to a decorative border in a book. Later, the word came to be used for a photographic portrait which is clear in the center, and fades off at the edges. A similar effect occurs when filming projected images or movies off a projection screen. The resulting so-called "hotspot" effect defines a cheap home-movie look where no proper telecine is used. Vignetting is often an unintended and undesired effect caused by camera settings or lens limitations. However, it is sometimes purposely introduced for creative effect, such as to draw attention to the center of the frame. A photographer may deliberately choose a lens which is known to produce vignetting to obtain the effect, or it may be introduced with the use of special filters or post-processing procedures" 
You have probably seen this effect before and noticed how it made. What you want is an image that appears as though the viewer is seeing an old image or almost "spying" on the subject through an aperture like a keyhole or binoculars.

Two tips from me before you play the video; Firstly, don't overdo it. If you do, the image will look ridiculous and too obvious that you have overdone it. Secondly, it is all too easy to add Vignetting to all of your images. Save it for the ones that need it or would benefit from it.



This is the best tutorial from YouTube

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